Alabama lawmakers eye change to school funding formula

By Associated Press

Alabama lawmakers eye change to school funding formula

MONTGOMERY -- Alabama lawmakers are eyeing an overhaul to the state's method of funding public schools and heard details Monday about possible new formulas for allocating money to schools.

Lawmakers have no plans to increase taxes but are looking to revamp the formula that divvies out state funds. A panel of lawmakers heard information about three possible funding models. The formulas would allocate a base per-student amount and then provide extra dollars based on student needs.

"We haven't changed it in 30 years. Education has changed. Our state demographics have changed. Our systems have changed," Rep. Danny Garrett, who chairs the education budget-writing committee in the House of Representatives, said of the need to change the funding formula.

Alabama is the latest state to consider a change to school funding formulas. Mississippi changed its formula earlier year. Tennessee changed its formula in 2022.

Garrett said his hope is to have a proposal ready for lawmakers to consider next year.

Bellwether, a nonpartisan research, and policy organization, presented information to lawmakers on three possible funding formulas. Each formula includes a base amount and weighted funding for six student groups: low-income students, students with disabilities, students learning English, gifted students, rural students and charter school students.

Garrett said the state can absorb the projected additional cost without raising taxes.

Sen. Arthur Orr, who chairs the Senate education budget writing committee, said the goal is to provide more funding to better meet the needs of students and to give school systems more flexibility in how they use their state dollars.

The state's current school funding formula was adopted in the 1990s in response to a lawsuit over school funding. The current program, called the Foundation Program, provides schools money for teacher "units" based on student enrollment.

The legislative session begins Feb. 4.

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