Reclaiming The Black Body: A call to dismantle harmful narratives | Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

Reclaiming The Black Body: A call to dismantle harmful narratives | Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder

In a world where societal norms and cultural narratives often dictate how bodies should look and behave, Black women have long been subjected to harsh scrutiny and unrealistic expectations. From diet culture to disordered eating, the relationship Black women have with their bodies is deeply intertwined with centuries of racism and oppression. Alishia McCullough, a Black licensed clinical mental health therapist, is on a mission to help Black women break free from these harmful cycles through her new book, Reclaiming The Black Body, Nourishing the Home Within.

Health data reporter Anissa Durham recently sat down with McCullough for an exclusive conversation about her book and the ongoing impact of racism on how Black communities view food, eating, and body image. The hourlong interview delves into the key themes of McCullough's work, offering readers an insightful look at how historical and cultural forces have shaped perceptions of Black bodies -- and how those perceptions can be transformed.

When McCullough began unpacking her relationship with food and body image, she realized that her struggles were not isolated. As a therapist working primarily with Black clients, she witnessed firsthand how deeply racism, diet culture, and disordered eating impacted their mental and physical well-being.

"I kept asking myself, 'How do you heal your relationship with your body when society has spent centuries trying to control it?'" McCullough shared with Durham.

The answer to that question became the foundation for her book. Reclaiming The Black Body is not just a guide for individual healing; it's a call to dismantle the systemic forces that perpetuate harmful narratives about Black bodies. By exploring the intersection of anti-Black racism and diet culture, McCullough sheds light on how these issues manifest in everyday life -- from beauty standards to healthcare practices.

One of the core tenets of McCullough's book is the decision to center Black women and femmes in the conversation about body image and eating disorders. Historically, discussions around eating disorders have largely focused on white, middle-class women, leaving Black women and other marginalized groups out of the narrative.

"Black women and femmes have been excluded from the mainstream understanding of eating disorders for too long," McCullough explained. "Our experiences with food and body image are unique, shaped by both cultural pride and societal oppression. It's time to reclaim those narratives."

By focusing on Black women and femmes, McCullough aims to address the specific challenges they face -- including adultification bias and the harmful belief that fatness is inherently unhealthy. She emphasizes that these biases not only affect how Black women are treated by society but also how they view themselves.

McCullough's book also tackles the legacy of anti-Blackness in health care and how it continues to impact Black women's relationships with their bodies. From being dismissed by medical professionals to facing biases that equate weight with health, Black women often struggle to receive equitable care.

"The medical field has a long history of pathologizing Black bodies," McCullough noted. "This history affects everything from how we're diagnosed to how we're treated in health care settings. It's no wonder so many Black women have a fraught relationship with their bodies and food."

McCullough points out that the modern wellness industry's obsession with thinness and "clean eating" is rooted in Eurocentric standards that disregard the cultural practices and body types of many Black communities. Her book encourages readers to challenge these standards and embrace a more holistic view of health that prioritizes mental, emotional, and cultural well-being.

During the interview, McCullough and Durham also discussed the need to challenge common ideas within the Black community around weight and culture. For many Black women, societal pressures to conform to certain body types are compounded by cultural expectations.

"There's this idea that fatness is inherently bad or unhealthy," McCullough said. "But we need to interrogate where that belief comes from. It's a narrative rooted in anti-Blackness and white supremacy."

She explained that embracing body diversity and rejecting harmful diet culture is an essential part of reclaiming Black bodies. For McCullough, healing involves not only addressing personal struggles with body image but also dismantling the societal structures that perpetuate those struggles.

McCullough's book, set fir release on Jan. 14, offers readers practical tools and insights for reclaiming their relationships with their bodies. Through personal stories, historical analysis, and therapeutic practices, Reclaiming The Black Body empowers Black women and femmes to nourish themselves -- physically, mentally, and emotionally.

"Reclamation is about more than just rejecting diet culture," McCullough concluded. "It's about creating a home within ourselves, where we can feel safe, loved, and whole. That's the ultimate goal."

As the conversation around body image and eating disorders continues to evolve, McCullough's work serves as a vital reminder that healing must be inclusive and intersectional. By centering Black women and addressing the unique challenges they face, Reclaiming The Black Body offers a powerful blueprint for collective liberation.

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