ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. - The days before Christmas Eve and Hanukkah mean lots of traveling and last-minute gift shopping.
Unfortunately, in addition to shopping and spending time with family, the holiday season has become notorious for shoplifting, robbery, porch pirates and more. So how can you keep yourself from becoming a target?
Some of it is common sense like not leaving packages outside, locking your doors, and leaving a light on when you leave. But Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Connor Otero says there are other things you might not think about, like posting where you are on social media.
"If you're within the county, call us, request us to do welfare checks on your property throughout the time that you are out of town, try not to post that on social media that you're going to be out of town," said Otero. "I know a lot of people scan through that, even if your profile is private, people can still get in and find ways to look at those things."
Law enforcement also has more patrols during this time. Otero explained they have deputies in uniform and undercover throughout the entire county, especially in high traffic areas like Old Town.
The extra patrols have helped make arrests, but it also lets criminals know deputies are out.
"They're also a huge deterrent. That's the biggest thing with us being out there. A marked presence, people seeing the uniform, seeing the deputies walking around, and also it's good for the community just to engage with us," Otero said.
And there are a lot of people out and about, especially shoppers. Otero suggests last-minute shoppers put things in their trunk and head back home if you already have a lot of gifts in your car.
Despite it being so close to the holidays, KOB 4 found several shoppers Monday. But some specifically planned to head out right before Christmas Eve.
"When I wasn't living in Albuquerque, I would come home for family and didn't want to put all my gifts and suitcases and travel with them. So I would always get here very close to Christmas and do all my shopping in one day, and I've always enjoyed it," Sarah Crichlow said.
Crichlow and her mother were out shopping Monday. Her mother, Estelle Read, explained she had all her shopping done but wanted to spend the day with her daughter.
"It's easy when you have it all done. But, you know, having the opportunity to spend a day with my daughter in such a beautiful place in such a beautiful store with lovely things I just couldn't pass it up," Read said.
Some local stores are also planning on staying open for Christmas Eve, like CoCreations Candle Bar and Decor on Bellamah Avenue. Store owner Terri Dean says the additional foot traffic always helps out local businesses like hers.
"We are here to take care of the community in any way we can," Dean continued. "At the end of the day, your business, whether it's one candle or five candles, it absolutely makes a difference to me at the end of the day, and I believe pretty much every other business feels the same way."
CoCreations will be open Christmas Eve from 11:30 a.m. to about 5:30 p.m. Some shops in Old Town will also be open.